Tipperary Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) is a county-level committee, formed in 2015, that identifies and addresses the priority issues for children, young people and young adults, aged 0 – 24 years, in the county. The CYPSC brings together representatives from the main statutory and voluntary providers of services, including youth services, family support services, Tipperary County Council, An Garda Síochána and others, to develop a plan of action.
The first Tipperary Children and Young People’s Plan came to an end in 2020 and they are are currently developing a new 3-year plan. The CYPSC need to hear the views of children, young people and parents in order to identify what the important issues are for this new plan.
If you are a parent of children in the age range, 0 – 24 years, and resident in the county, Tipperary CYPSC would like to invite you to complete their survey.
Please click here to proceed to the parents’ survey.
If you are aged between 18 – 24 years, then Tipperary CYPSC would like to know what you consider to be the most important issues for your age group in Co. Tipperary.
Please click here to proceed to the young adults’ survey.
More information about the CYPSC is available on their website cypsc.ie