What is Community Employment?

Community employment is an active labour market programme designed to provide eligible long-term unemployed people with an opportunity to engage in useful work within their communities on a fixed-term basis. The purpose of Community Employment is to help unemployed people to re-enter the workforce by breaking their experience of unemployment through a return to a work routine and to assist them in enhancing both their technical and personal skills. The Community Employment programme is administered by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection with NTDC acting as one of the voluntary organizations or sponsors that manages the scheme.

Am I eligible for Community Employment?

Eligibility for Community Employment will depend on your age and personal circumstances and can be easily checked with your local employment office. They can submit you for interview for a vacancy that suits you at a location that suits you also. An important feature of the Community Employment programme is the development opportunity given to the individuals who participate on the programme.

If you are aged between 21 and 55 years, your Community Employment placement is for one year. However, if you are working towards a major award, (level 6 -10 on NFQ) your Community Employment placement can be extended by up to 2 years to complete this award. If you are aged over 55 you can remain on Community Employment for 3 consecutive years. You must work 19.5 hours per week and are paid weekly and you have certain statutory employment rights including paid annual leave, public holidays and maternity leave.

What type of work will I be doing?

Eligible projects are those which respond to an identified community need. Work placement options within NTDC ensure development for participants in areas involving heritage, arts, culture, tourism, sport and the environment. Some of these roles include community crèche, after-schools assistant, maintenance and caretaking of community facilities, office, administrative and reception duties, youth services and local youth initiatives.

What training and supports will I get?

Each learner on Community Employment will be given an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which will outline work experience and both job specific and progression training. The training provided through Community Employment is delivered within a Quality Assurance framework.


Contact details:

Carmel Ormond 

087 1029693
